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Warren County Health Services


Warren County has created a designated section for more information on Coronavirus on this webpage, please utilize the navigation panel on the left hand side of the page and click the 'plus' sign next to Public Health for the dropdowns and select Coronavirus

Click here to view our Coronavirus page


Report Animal Bite and Potential Rabies Exposures to Warren County Public Health at 

518 761-6580 

016-2020 Rabies Plan

Rabies Schedule 2020

What's Happening at Warren County Public Health


Get The Picture: Childhood Immunizations



NYSDOH Postings


Shingrix is Here!

CDC recommends that healthy adults 50 years and older get two doses of the shingles vaccine called Shingrix, separated by 2 to 6 months, to prevent shingles and the complications from the disease. Two doses of Shingrix is more than 90% effective at preventing shingles - call Warren County Public Health @ 518-761-6580 for an appointment!

Healthy ADK

HealthyADK is a regional population health and socio-economic indicators resource portal maintained by AHI in collaboration with community organizations and agencies. This site provides easy access to up-to-date community health data for numerous sectors including community members, business, community development, government, educators, community-based organizations, and health care professionals.