Public Health
Warren County Public Health continues to provide residents with many of the traditional Public Health programs that people rely on in our community.
- Offer/provide immunizations for adults and children who are not able to get them at a doctor's office or health clinic.
- Monitor and track communicable diseases in Warren County.
- Coordinate treatment for STI's and HIV.
- Work with families to see if they qualify for Early Intervention services, Child Find program and the Preschool Program for Children with Disabilities.
- Help parents get the recommended lead tests for their child, even if they can't afford to do so.
- Provide information about various health topics in schools and other venues, including tobacco/vaping prevention, seasonal topics like ticks and Lyme disease, child safety and more.
- Hold periodic Rabies Clinics for pets.
For more information about these and other public health programs contact Warren County Public Health at 518-761-6580.