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Warren County Opioid Settlement Funds

Warren County Community Services Board requests proposals for opioid settlement funds

March, 2025

Warren County is a named plaintiff to several lawsuits brought against numerous defendants, including drug manufacturers, distributors, and chain pharmacies based on claims that they individually and collectively contributed to the opioid epidemic in New York State and created a public health crisis.

The Attorney General negotiated opioid settlement payments for New York State and its counties. These direct payments to the counties consist of both one-time and recurring payments for a number of years. NYS OASAS has also awarded counties Local Governmental Unit (LGU) Abatement Funds, intended to address the local impacts of the opioid crisis. The Warren County Community Services Board, together with the Office of Community Services, will oversee the process for solicitation of proposals and selection of projects to be funded.

The project solicitation documents are linked below:

Opioid Settlement Funds Project Solicitation

Required Budget Documents

Schedule C – Approved Uses

Warren County Opioid Settlement Funds (Updated 3/1/25)