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Contractors and Developers


Create a regulatory control of construction activities at the local level for erosion and sediment control (E&SC). Municipalities must regulate the E&SC practices of all construction activities disturbing one or more acres of soil within their jurisdiction. Municipalities must assume this responsibility by issuing permits to construction site operators to control erosion and sediment transport, at the site, during construction.

Contractors and Developers that engage in construction activities disturbing one or more acres of soil through clearing, grading and grubbing must prepare a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). "Swips" are a site specific plan detailing structural and non-structural measures that will be implemented, on-site, to prevent erosion and control sediment transport from the site.

Once the SWPPP is prepared Contractors and Developers must file a Notice of Intent (NOI) requesting coverage under the GP-02-01 SPDES Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activities for the project named in the SWPPP. Depending on the SWPPP, applicants whose SWPPP meets DEC requirements by utilizing the NYS Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control (the "Blue Book") should receive coverage in 5 business days. Applicants that do not specify that they have utilized the Blue Book must wait 60 business days. Either way, applicants should begin to develop a SWPPP early in the development process and be prepared to file the GP-02-01 NOI with ample time to receive permit coverage before construction commences (clearing & grading).

Contractors & Developers have a special responsibility...preventing erosion and sediment transportation in Warren County are key aspects of better stormwater management and better watershed health. "My job is only one acre...what could it hurt...?!" QUICK FACTS: From 1980 to 2015 the County population grew by 18% (18,840 new construction permits). An un-managed site can produce up to 2,000 times the sediment-laden runoff as an undeveloped parcel. All those projects add up.

When the project adds up to a little more Contractors & Developers must have included a "Post-Construction" runoff control plans. If you are unsure if your project requires Post-Construction Runoff Control measures contact the regional DEC Division of Water personnel.

Not only do the post-construction stormwater treatment practices (STP) have to manage the quantity of flow they must treat the runoff with a proven method of accomplishing A) a percent removal of pollutants of concern and B) attenuating or slowing the flow of runoff into Federal, State, & Local Waters. These types of practices help mitigate pollution into our lakes and streams and prevent flooding and streambank erosion during a large storm event (2-5 inches).

Contractors & Developers can find many of the resources that they need to apply for and obtain a SPDES GP-02-01 Permit on-line.

Post-Construction Runoff Control

Control of runoff from new and re-development projects, of significant size, post-construction. Although post-construction control has been addressed in the past, Phase II regulations modify traditional runoff control by integrating quantity and quality stormwater treatment practices. 

If the SWPPP requires the long-term maintenance of STPs, contractors and developers should contact the municipality where they are working, inform them of the site improvements, and get approval by the Planning Board and the Highway or DPW Supervisor before the improvements have been installed. If the Town, Village or City are going to take responsibility for the improvements they should approve of the treatment practices before accepting responsibility.