Department of Common Schools, Albany, NY (1842).
Record Series: School District Records
Dates: 1831 - 1960
Location: Warren County Records Storage & Archives.
Format: Handwritten documents arranged in archival folders by subject matter.
Arranged: Chronological
Volume: .50 cubic ft
Department: County Clerk
Legal Restrictions: None
Use Restrictions: Staff will access all records and must approve all requests for copies.
Historical Background:
This miscellaneous group of records were created and filed with the County Clerk under various statutes of Education Law of the State of New York. See Statutes of New York, Chapter 15 "Of Public Instruction", Title 2 thru Title 23 for further information.
Description of Record Series:
This record series includes the following groups:
Appeals (1842-1847) - School District Appeals often involved the re-alignment of school districts or the closing or combining of districts. Some appeals contain lists of names of surrounding property owners within the affected district, names of property owners and number of children attending school and distance from property owner's house to the school.
Apportionment (1831-1960) - Early records lists towns, population, school money allotted by town. Later documents provide just a total apportionment allotted to the county. This group also contains some supplementary apportionments by town and school district.
Correspondence (1843-1921) - Statements of accounts, leases, trustees matters and resignations.
Indebtedness (1902) - Reports transmitted to the Board of Supervisors cites Section, Chapter & Year of authorizing legislation, amount bonded, interest rate, total debt, when payable. There are two reports for Union Free School District 1 Queensbury and one report for Union Free School District 1 Warrensburg. It should be noted that this group also contains a report for the Village of Glens Falls for capital projects including waterworks, sewer and village hall.
Library Reports (1844-1845) - Lists of books as found in various school district libraries of the county. 1845 contains a list of books in the Horicon school district.
Minutes (1911-1931) - Supervisory District minutes within Warren County.
Reports by town (1833-1857) - Statistical information which cites school district Number, length of session, length taught by teacher, amount of money received, number of children taught, amount paid for teachers besides public money.
There are reports for the following years and towns:
1833 - Athol
1837 - Athol, Bolton, Caldwell, Chester, Hague, Johnsburg, Luzerne, Queensbury, Warrensburg.
1848 - Athol, Bolton, Caldwell, Johnsburg, Queensbury.
1850 - Athol, Chester, Johnsburg, Luzerne, Warrensburg.
1857 - Athol, Chester, Johnsburg, Luzerne, Warrensburg.
Purpose of Record:
To provide a record of school related reporting for purposes of tax distribution and administration under Chapter 15, Statutes of New York.
Other Formats: None
Finding Aids: Series location on inventory database.
Related Series: Town of Lake Luzerne School Records. See also various court records.