1842 School Appeal authorizing the purchase of John Londay
and John Mc Millen's property.

Part of an 1847 School District Appeal, Athol District 11 (Warren County)
& Hadley District 8 (Saratoga County)
The above contains a list of persons in Athol School District 11.

1831 Apportionment for towns in Warren County, NY.

Resignation of H.R. Wing as Deputy Superintendent
of Common Schools of Warren County on 28 Jan. 1843.

1844 Library Report (partial document) listing such books as
"Paradise Lost", "History of Michigan", "Ruins of Ancient Cities",
"Bacon & Locke", "Trades & Professions", "Letters on Demonology",
"The School & School Master", "Life of Washington", "Life of Napoleon Bonaparte",
"History of England", "History of France", "Lives of Eminent Men", "Dr. Johnson's Life & Works",
"Christian Bracknum", "Tragedies of the Wilderness", "The Florida War", "History of Connecticut",
"Life before the Mast", "Criminal Calendar", & "Natural Magic".

1911 Supervisory District School Minutes

1837 Bolton School District Report, page 1

1837 Bolton School District Report, page 2