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"Return the Favor" Veterans Program

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Cards Issued Businesses Enrolled
2872 187

Warren County’s Veteran Discount Program, ”Return the Favor….Thank You For Your Service”, is well underway with 187 businesses currently enrolled and 2872 cards issued as of this date! Businesses can enroll (it’s simple & quick!) by using our Convenient online enrollment form

Check out all of our businesses including our most recent: Arch Electric!

Discounts include: restaurants, hotels, automotive, barber and salon, professional and retail services and will be available to Warren County Veterans upon presentation of the program’s identification card. Businesses may offer any discount that they would like and a colorful window decal is provided to each business upon enrollment. The photo identification card issued by the Warren County Clerk contains valid service information and is being provided at no fee to the Veteran.

To obtain the program discount card from Warren County:

  • Veterans must be residents or property owners in Warren County;
  • Must be honorably discharged;
  • Must present their Military Discharge DD 214 or equivalent Certificate of Honorable Discharge or have the discharge recorded in the County Clerk’s Office for verification;
  • Must complete a program application form.

Warren County Clerk Carrie Black will be issuing cards to veterans according to the following schedule:

Photo Discount Card Schedule: County Clerk’s Office, Monday – Friday, 9-5 Lunch 1-2

The Clerk’s Office is located in the Warren County Municipal Center, 1340 State Route 9, Lake George, NY 12845 – main building, office is directly across from the DMV.

For assistance in locating the military discharge, please contact Denise DiResta, Veterans Services Director at (518) 761-6342. For more information on Veterans Services and activities, please visit the Veterans' Service Page.

Carrie L. Black
Warren County Clerk

Denise Signature
Denise A. DiResta
Warren County Veterans’ Service Director