Congregate Meals
Healthy, nutritiously balanced meals are served Monday-Friday at noon, at our meal sites. Due to COVID, not all of our meal sites are open for congregate meals or open every day. Please contact the meal site directly to see what days they are open. Meal sites may be located in senior centers, senior clubs, senior housing complexes, town halls and other nearby locations. Any person 60 years of age or older is welcome regardless of income level or resources. A voluntary contribution of $3.00 is suggested. Individuals under 60 years of age are welcome as well, but are required to contribute $7.00. WHCOFA has congregate meal sites located at:
- Bolton - 4879 Lake Shore Drive, Bolton Landing, PH# (518) 644-2368
- Chestertown - Town Hall, 6307 State Route 9, Chestertown, PH# (518)623-2653
- Indian Lake - Senior Center, 6358 State Route 30, Indian Lake, PH# (518)648-5412
- Johnsburg - Senior Center, 3548 State Route 28, Johnsburg, PH#
- (518)251-2711
- Lake Luzerne - Senior Center, 539 Lake Avenue, Lake Luzerne, PH# (518)696-2200
- Lake Pleasant - Senior Center, 2881 State Route 8, Speculator, PH# (518)548-4941
- Long Lake - Town hall, 1204 Main Street, Long Lake, PH# (518)624-5221
- Cedars - 35 Evergreen Lane, Queensbury, PH# (518)832-1705
- Solomon Heights - 18 Farr East Lane, Queensbury
- First Presbytarian Church - 400 Glen Street, Glens Falls
- Warrensburg - Countryside Adult Home, 353 Schroon River Road, Warrensburg
PH# (518)623-3451 - Wells - Senior Center, 105 Buttermilk Road, Wells, PH# (518)924-4066
Home Delivered Meals
Utilizing volunteer drivers, home-delivered meals are provided for any person 60 years or older, who are generally homebound by reason of physical or emotional health, unable to prepare meals for themselves, do not have a support system capable of meeting these needs, and are not able to reasonably get to a congregate location. These are healthy, nutritiously balanced meals that are delivered right to their door, Monday-Friday, excluding holidays. Since COVID, we have been delivering a combination of hot and frozen meals on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. If married, a spouse may get meals even if they are not 60 years of age themselves. In some cases, a care giver may also be eligible to receive a meal as well. Individuals must be home at the time of delivery in order to receive the meal. Drivers cannot leave meals in coolers, or enter an individual's home unless they are there. If you are not going to be home, we do require you to call your meal site and let us know. Again, a voluntary contribution of $3.00 per meal is suggested and appreciated, but not required.
The Home Delivered Meals calendar is available as a PDF document, which will be posted each month. For additional information, see the Senior Newsletter.
Menus for the home delivered meals and congregate meals programs are prepared and analyzed by a Registered Dietitian in order to make sure they meet the 1/3 of the Daily Required Intake (DRI). Participants are encouraged to make voluntary contributions, if possible, but no one will be denied a meal if they are not able to. All contributions are kept confidential.
Nutritional Education & Counseling - WHCOFA
- Nutritional Education & Counseling - WHCOFA has a contact with a professionally licensed dietitian, who is available to promote better health providing nutrition education programs at the meal sites. This individual will also provide nutrition counseling to clients on nutritional issues and healthy eating habits to improve their health, as well as evaluate and plan for adequate and balanced meals.