The Sign Shop or Traffic Department is a division within the Warren County Department of Public Works, installs and maintains the signs found on the county highway system and the Warren County Bikeway. Detailed records are kept and continuously updated as to the location and condition of these signs in accordance with the New York State Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices and the New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law.
Pavement markings, i.e. crosswalks, stop bars, etc. are also among the Traffic Departments responsibilities. The Traffic Dept. also works in conjunction with the paving crew marking out centerlines on all newly paved county roads.
The signs located at all county facilities including the new signs at the Floyd Bennett Memorial Airport are made in our sign shop which is located on the D.P.W. campus at 4028 Main St., Warrensburg, N.Y. next to the D.P.W. main office.