Examination of Thankful Barber
filed 15 September 1815
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Examination of Thankful Barber
filed 15 September 1815
page 2
County of Warren Ss:
Be it remembered that on the twenty second day of July 1815 - Thankful Barber, wife of Samuel Barber, Esquire of Johnsburgh in the said county, was brought before me Thomas Pattison, Esquire one of the Justices assigned to keep the peace in and for the said county, on a Warrant issued by me the said Justice, on the complaint and information of John Pasko of the same place aforesaid, fof an assault and battery with intent to murder, committed in Johnsburgh aforesaid in the county aforesaid, on the twenty-first day of July aforesaid, in and upon the body of Lydia Pasko - daughter of the said John Pasko of the same place aforesaid, singlewoman, that the said Thankful Barber being examined by me the said Justice, denied that she had any intention whatever to kill or murder the said Lydia Pasko - that the said Thankful Barber on further examination, before me the said Justice, acknowledged that she struck the said Lydia Pasko with a stake or rail, on her shoulder and arm, but did not strike her hard - that the said Lydia Pasko then fell on the ground, and the said Thankful believes that the said Lydia fell down on purpose or in other words that the said Lydia threw herself on the ground - that the said Thankful struck the said Lydia several times with the stake after she the said Lydia had fallen as aforesaid - that she the said Thankful then run after John Pasko, Junr. and struck at him with the aforesaid stake, - that she the said Thankful then threw down the said stake and returned to the said Lydia - that she the said Thankful then picked up a small stick or root, and asked the said Lydia, if she was dead, and then struck the said Lydia several times with the said stick or root about the legs of the said Lydia, as they lay naked - that she the said Thankful then ran from the said Lydia towards home, and cried murder, and says she was afraid they would kill her, - and further the said Thankful says, that no person then present, threatened her, or stepped towards her or that the said Thankful only intended to frighten those who were present that she was in a passion, and conducted improperly.
Certified unto whom it may concern, this 24th day of July 1815 By me Thomas Pattison J. Peace