Dates: 4/28/1903 - 1953
Location: Warren County Records Storage & Archives.
Format: Bound, pre-printed receipt books of varying sizes (av. size 5 x 8 ) containing the stub portion to the Certificate of Naturalization
Arranged: Numeric / Chronological
Volume: .95 cubic ft
Department: County Clerk
Legal Restrictions: None
Use Restrictions: Staff will access all records and must approve all requests for copies.
Historical Background:
The process of conferring citizenship, authorized under federal statute in 1790 and 1802, was among the earliest responsibilities of the our court system. In New York State, courts of records included Common Pleas and the Supreme and County Courts. Beginning with the establishment of Warren County in 1813 and continuing through 1955, aliens appeared before the court presenting Declarations of Intent as well as Final Papers i.e. Petitions, Witness Affidavits, and Oaths of Allegiance. This record series contains the more formal certificates that appeared after the turn of the century in 1903. The RSC holds the receipt after the certificate was torn out and given to the person who was naturalized.
Description of Record Series:
Bound, pre-printed receipt books of varying sizes (av. size 5 x 8 ) containing the stub portion to the Certificate of Naturalization and including the following information: certificate number, name, age, date of admission, declaration and/or petition number, alien registration number, family status (i.e. name, age, place of residence of spouse and of minor children; court and filing information. Overall size of original volume with Certificate of Naturalization 14 1/2" x 8 1/4". Receipt books discontinued c. 1927, replaced by form N-550 (10" x 3"). OCA Schedule # 21030.
Purpose of Record:
Defined as being the County Clerk's record of receipt for certificates of naturalization issued.
Other Formats: None
Finding Aids: Series location contained on inventory database.
Related Series: Naturalization Register; Naturalization Register: Index; Naturalization Papers; Naturalization: Declarations of Intention; Naturalization: Petitions.