Dates: 1832 - 1959 (w/ gaps)
Location: Warren County Records Storage & Archives.
Format: Handwritten documents (8"x7") or preprinted forms (8"x3")
Arranged: Chronological by file date
Volume: .25 cubic ft
Department: County Clerk
Legal Restrictions: None
Use Restrictions: Staff will access all records and must approve all requests for copies.
Historical Background:
In accordance with the Laws of New York, Section 20, Article 1, Title 3, Chapter 13, Part 1 Revised Statutes, the town tax collector deposited tax monies with the County Treasurer and was issued a receipt indicating a satisfaction of the obligation assigned to the collector.
Description of Record Series:
Handwritten documents (8"x7") or preprinted forms (8"x3") containing a statement by the treasurer of receipt of town taxes, containing treasurer's name, date received, collector's name, town, tax year, filing date notarized by the Justice of the Peace.
Purpose of Record:
A record of receipt by the County Treasurer of monies collected by the town tax collector; satisfaction of the bond undertaken by the tax collector to perform duties according to law.
Other Formats: None
Finding Aids: Series locations on inventory database.
Related Series: Collector's Bonds and Undertakings