Record Series: PAYROLL - TERA
Dates: 1933 - 1936
Location: Warren County Records Storage & Archives.
Format: Oversized pre-printed, double-sided (yellow) payroll forms with hand/typewritten entries
Arranged: Chronological by Payroll End Date
Volume: 2 cubic ft
Department: County Clerk
Legal Restrictions: Some Restrictions May Apply
Use Restrictions: Staff will access all records and must approve all requests for copies.
Historical Background:
In an attempt to relieve the people of the State of New York from the hardships and sufferings of the Great Depression, the legislature passed and the governor signed into law on September 23, 1931, an act to create and organize the Temporary Emergency Relief Administration. A total of $ 20 million dollars was appropriated for the purposes of the act. Warren County quickly responded to the program's intent, passing Resolution 131 at its annual meeting , held November 11 of that same year. Along with the County Proceedings of the Board Highway Payroll, created specifically for TERA project administration, provide us with detailed information on the county's involvement with the state-sponsored program of work and home relief assistance. Based on both the TERA payroll records arranged in this collection and on the financial accounting reported to the Board of Supervisors by Gilbert Potter, Executive Director of the Warren County Emergency Work Bureau project closeout occurred in November 1936, although some temporary, local efforts appear to have been extended beyond that period to the early 1940's.
Description of Record Series:
Oversized pre-printed, double-sided (yellow) payroll forms with hand/typewritten entries including the following information: payroll number, local organization name, expenditure/payroll period, account verification, payroll type, disbursing officer, funding source, project numbers, employee name, case number, job title, hours per day/pay period, rate, total earnings, check number. Records may also include payroll abstracts, administrative, civil and food supplement accounts. CO-2 # 372a (recommend retaining as part of the public works archival project).
Purpose of Record:
An official record and accounting of expenditures (labor, services, and home relief: food & supplemental claims) incurred under the state aid program established in 1931 and known as the Temporary Emergency Relief Administration.
Other Formats: May be scanned in the future
Finding Aids: Series information on inventory database, Archival Guide, and Highway Guide.
Related Series: Payroll-Highway, Proceedings of the Board, Account Ledger-Project Engineer, Civil Actions-Highway, Maps-Highway (County Clerk & Public Works), plus all Public Works series.