Dates: August 1866
Location: Warren County Records Storage & Archives.
Format: Loose paper in archival folders.
Arranged: Chronological by file date
Volume: .1 cubic ft
Department: County Clerk
Legal Restrictions: None
Use Restrictions: Staff will access all records and must approve all requests for copies.
Historical Background:
According to the Laws of 1866, Chapter 809, section 8: "Whenever an enrollment shall be made as provided in this act, the county clerk of each county shall cause to be published once a week for four weeks previous to the first day of August, in a newspaper published in such county, a notice that such rolls have been completed and filed as aforesaid, which notice shall also specify that any person who claims that he is, for any reason, exempt from military duty, shall on or before the fifteenth day of August then ensuing, file a written statement of such exemption; verified by affidavit in the office of said town or city clerk or of the county clerk, if there be no such town or city clerk; and the publication of such notice shall be sufficient notice of such enrollment of all persons named therein; such roll shall be made in the form prescribed by the commander-in-chief, and the adjutant-general shall furnish to all commandants of companies suitable blanks and instructions therefor."
Description of Record Series:
Some pre-printed documents from the State of New York citing the responsibility of individuals eligibility for military duty and reasons for exemption if any including: name, reason for exemption, acknowledgement and file date and may include commander, company and enrolling officer. Most of the documents are handwritten handwritten statements of the above. Also known as "Notice of Enrollment and Exemption."
Purpose of Record:
To create a record of exemptions from military duty by filing statements with the county clerk according to Laws of 1866.
Other Formats: May be scanned in the future.
Finding Aids: Bound Indexed by name w/ entry date Series locations on inventory database.
Related Series: Military Enrollment Records, Jury Exemptions