Record Series: JURY LISTS
Dates: 1814 - 1985 (Bulk 1814 - 1967)
Location: Warren County Records Storage & Archives.
Format: Legal handwritten documents (with later years being preprinted, columned, and/or typed) of varying sizes.
Arranged: Town-Chrono by Yr/Town/Alpha by Name; County-Chrono by Term/Filing Dates
Volume: 6 cubic ft
Department: County Clerk
Legal Restrictions: None
Use Restrictions: Staff will access all records and must approve all requests for copies.
Historical Background:
According to the Laws of New York and detailed in Part 3, Ch 7, Title IV, Art. 2, Sections 12-45 (Vol. 2 p. 332) of the Revised Laws of 1836, town officials (Supervisors, Town Clerk and Assessors) were responsible for compiling an alphabetical listing of eligible freeholders, based on the previous year's assessment and being male, 18-59, with sound mind, body and judgment, for the purposes of providing trial courts with sufficient numbers of qualified jurors. Listings were then forwarded to the County Clerk with the final draw being carried out by County officials including Judge, Sheriff, Supervisor and/or Clerk. Filing status with the County Clerk changed with the establishment of the Commissioner of Jurors c. 1958.
Description of Record Series:
Collection consists of legal handwritten documents (with later years being preprinted, columned, and/or typed) of varying sizes, refoldered into acid-free enclosures, and providing an alphabetical listing of males (with full names), place of residence, occupations,
committee certification, court terms, filing dates. Some disqualifications may be noted or attached; occasional ballots used in the county draw may be included; Sheriff's Comments may appear on County lists. County lists may include list of constables drawn
for court terms (handwritten with names, court date). Most documents single sheets, double sided; Town of Queensbury may be multiple sheets, attached and rolled. County and Town filed separately by Year/Filing Dates. Varying titles: Panel Sheets, Minutes of Jury Drawing. OCA Schedule # 20900 (Civil), 30490 (Criminal).
Purpose of Record:
Defined as being the annual return of individuals qualified to serve on either trial or grand juries for the ensuing three years. Compiled at the local, town level and forwarded to the county for final selection.
Other Formats: None
Finding Aids: Partial name index available 1813-1815. Series locations on inventory database.
Related Series: Jury Exemptions, Jury Payroll, Jury Witness Certificates.