Record Series: SEARCHES - COUNTY
Dates: c. 1936 - 1960's
Location: Warren County Records Storage & Archives.
Format: Preprinted, typed documents providing abstract of title
Arranged: Alpha by Town / Subject
Volume: 2 cubic ft
Department: County Clerk
Legal Restrictions: None
Use Restrictions: Staff will access all records and must approve all requests for copies.
Historical Background:
Among the duties formerly assigned to the Office of County Clerk and now discontinued, was the proving of title and property ownership utilizing public records held in the Clerk's Office among these: deeds, mortgages, liens, building & loan agreements, UCC's, and Sheriff's Certificates of Sale. Most searches were at the request of attorneys and/or private individuals with a feeing being charged for the service. Today, numerous abstracting services perform this function.
Description of Record Series:
Preprinted, typed documents providing abstract of title including such information as: type of record, date, file/recorded date, book, pages, parties, conveyance descriptions; in some cases, only a listing (typed or handwritten) of records examined is provided (name, location, book, page). May also include separate searches of Building & Loans, Judgments, Liens, Unrecorded papers, Uncalled for documents, and Welfare Searches. CO-2 Schedule # 215.
Purpose of Record:
A record of title searches conducted by the County Clerk certifying the examination of land and other public records (deeds & mortgages & indexes, loan commissioner's papers, Sheriff's Certificates of Sale, Receivers, Judgment Dockets, Lis Pendens, and Liens) affecting the title of premises and properties.
Other Formats: None
Finding Aids: Summary listing may be included with each folder arranged by town. Series location on inventory database.
Related Series: Searches-Highway, Maps-Miscellaneous, Maps-Highway, Survey Papers.