Record Series: PAYROLL - HIGHWAY
Dates: 1925 - 1948
Location: Warren County Records Storage & Archives.
Format: Oversized highway payroll sheets (avg. 14"x17")
Arranged: Chronological by payroll ending date
Volume: 7.8 cubic ft
Department: County Clerk
Legal Restrictions: Some Restrictions
Use Restrictions: Staff will access all records and must approve all requests for copies.
Historical Background:
Pursuant to Section 320-A-Highway Law, Warren County's Highway Department (as it was known until 1971) had as a fiscal responsibility the creation of appropriate records detailing all expenditures of all highway projects to included payroll reimbursement for labor and services and payments for materials and equipment purchased associated with specific highway project. All recordkeeping was created by the Highway Department and forwarded to the County Treasurer for employee reimbursement, with the payroll sheets remaining with Treasurer for future auditing. Interestingly enough, the use of highway project names occur throughout the many record series associated with public works construction project, i.e. Civil Actions, Highway Maps, Attorneys Files, and the like.
Description of Record Series:
Oversized highway payroll sheets (av. 14"X17"), pre-printed with hand/typewritten entries including: project title, payroll dates, payroll number, check number, name, type of labor, number of hours, days, rate by hour/day, signature of receipt, post-office, vendor names, amounts, total payroll and materials amount, voucher number(s), with certification provided by the foreman and county superintendent of highways; vouchers and order may be attached. CO-2 # 372a.
Purpose of Record:
The official record of payroll created by the department for labor performed and services rendered for the construction, repair and improvement to county roads and forwarded to the Treasurer for reimbursement; provides a detailed accounting of expenditures made
by the Highway Department for payments for labor, services, materials and equipment for specific public works projects.
Other Formats: None
Finding Aids: Series information located on inventory database, Archival Guide, Highway Guide.
Related Series: Payroll-TERA, Highway Rights of Way, Civil Actions-Highway, Highway Maps (County Clerk and Public Works).