Dates: 1837 - 1879
Location: Warren County Records Storage & Archives.
Format: Pre-printed entries into two bound volumes with pages arranged by loan/date amount.
Arranged: Chronological by File Date
Volume: .8 cubic ft
Department: County Clerk
Legal Restrictions: None
Use Restrictions: Staff will access all records and must approve all requests for copies.
Historical Background:
Traced to legislation first enacted in 1792, and then revised by the New York State legislature on April 4, 1837, the "Act for Loaning certain moneys belonging to the United States [and] deposited with the State of New York for safekeeping" set in motion Warren County's earliest-recorded loan efforts. Section 10 of State Law states that the amount available was from $ 200-2000 and that the property mortgaged be valued at twice the amount requested and be free of any encumbrances. As evidenced by the Minutes of the Loan Office, providing an official record of activity from 1837-1839 and 1837-1879, there were many takers! Mortgage No. 1 went to Sumner Nelson of Johnsburg on 13 June 1837 while an October ledger showed David Burnham, Eleazer Goodman, and Ira Hall appearing before Commissioners Wm. McDonald and Chas. Roberts. Further documentation in the Board Proceedings provide annual accounting on outstanding loans and, in 1891, a reduction in interest on all mortgages to 5% per year! Revised Statutes (1869), Vol. I, Chapter XII, Title 2, Article 3 provides a more detailed description of the office including requiring that all books, financial records and correspondence be deposited in the Office of County Clerk..
Description of Record Series:
Pre-printed entries into bound volumes with pages arranged by loan/date amount and having the following information: loan number, mortgagee & mortgagor (Loan commissioners of Warren County, description, record of payments and interest, witness signature, signature of mortgagee (cut out when satisfied). 1837-1839 handwritten. Self-contained handwritten index.
Purpose of Record:
An official record of the proceedings of the office established to process applications for for loans of federal monies held by the State to owners of property and apportioned according to the assessed valuations in each town.
Other Formats: 1837- 1839 volume on microfilm. Vol. 1837-1879 not on film.
Finding Aids: Minute book indexed by name with loan #, year, and town. Series location on inventory database.
Related Series: Loan Commissioner's Papers (with accounts, correspondence, receipts & mortgages).