Dates: 1813 - 1852
Location: Warren County Records Storage & Archives.
Format: Bound Volume
Arranged: Chronological By Court Session
Volume: .25 cubic feet, 1 volume
Department: County Clerk
Legal Restrictions: None
Use Restrictions: Staff will access all records and must approve all requests for copies.
Historical Background:
The Warren County Court of Common Pleas was established at the founding of the county in 1813, its first term being in May of that year, and with three justices appointed and the County Clerk serving as Clerk of the Court. The court handled matters of a civil nature, brought directly to it or appeals referred from Justice Court, for which judicial settlement was required. Following the reorganization of the courts throughout New York in 1847, the Court of Common Pleas was abolished, with County and Supreme Court then rendering decisions on civil actions. It is noted that some Common Pleas activity occurred beyond 1847 as part of the restructuring process, thus the dates as noted. Part 3, Chapter 1, Title 5 of the Revised Statutes of the State of New York, Vol 1, 1836 details the establishment of the Court of Common Pleas, powers, jurisdiction, procedures and terms.
Description of Record Series:
Single bound volume with handwritten abbreviated accounts of actions brought before the Warren County Court of Common Pleas. The minutes include all venues of the court beginning May 1, 1813 at the Lake George Coffee House in Caldwell, NY. Actions brought before the court included: Civil Actions, Clerkship Papers (admission of attorneys to practice before the court), Appointments, early Naturalizations, Revolutionary War Service affidavits. Minutes include lists of individuals who served on juries for each session. The Minutes of Common Pleas can provide a wonderful guide to the documents filed in Common Pleas Actions since the minutes and common pleas actions are both filed chronologically. This volume was professionally conserved in November of 1990.
Purpose of Record:
To provide a record of civil matters brought directly before the Court of Common Pleas and appeals from Justice Courts within the county.
Other Formats: Microfilm, also available at LDS Library
Finding Aids: Computer index of all names except attorneys, judges and juries. Series locations on inventory database.
Related Series: Common Pleas Actions, Naturalization Papers, Revolutionary War Service Affidavits.