Welcome to Warren County Office of Emergency Services' Homepage. Whether you live or work in Warren County or you are visiting us, we want you to be safe here and enjoy your time.
There are some hazards to which Warren County is prone. These hazards and ways of mitigating, preparing and dealing with them are listed here on our website.
Please look around and prepare yourself and your household for a long and safe stay within Warren County.
Relief workers are deployed quickly, though it may take time to get to you. That is why it is so important that you also plan for potential emergencies.
Mission Statement
Warren County Office of Emergency Services is dedicated to the safety of the residents and visitors through the provision of training for volunteers, development of emergency plans that incorporate mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery for all types of major disasters that occur within Warren County.
Emergency Notification Cellphone application
We have a new Emergency Notification app for Apple and Android smartphones! Click here to learn more about it, or use the QR codes below to download it on your phone. Make sure to enable push notifications that will be used for emergency notification.
Storm Reporter application
Click here to access our new Storm Reporter application. Use the QR code below to open on your smartphone, and click "add to home screen" to save it as an icon for easy access on your phone.
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