The Office of Assigned Counsel
The Office of Assigned Counsel reviews applicants for eligibility for public defense services and is a safeguard against conflicts of interest.
The Department of Social Services
The Department of Social Services administers a variety of programs that aid residents of Warren County with issues including, but not limited to, adult and child protective services, Medicaid-funded nursing home care, medical transportation, and domestic violence.
The Department of Probation
The Department of Probation has many responsibilities. These responsibilities include, but are not limited to, investigating adoption petitions, performing investigations for the courts, and administering the pre-trial release program in addition to supervising individuals sentenced to a term of probation.
The New York State Bar Association
The New York State Bar Association has served our state for 140 years. It is more than a resource for lawyers. It also serves as an interface between the public and the legal profession. Among its services include lawyer referrals, pro bono referral services, and informing the public on what duties they should expect of their lawyers and the manner in which their lawyers should perform these duties.
The New York State Defenders Association
The New York State Defenders Association is a non-profit organization with the mission to “…improve the quality and scope of publicly supported legal representation to low income people.” The New York State Defenders Association provides training and consultation to attorneys as well as advocating for their mission through litigation, education, and collaboration with a variety of stake holders. This website also provides public access to an extensive collection of materials concerning publicly supported legal representation.
The Legal Aid Society of Northeastern New York
The Legal Aid Society of Northeastern New York is a non-profit law firm that provides representation and advice in civil matters to residents of New York whose income does not allow them to hire counsel. This firm’s goal is to provide “…effective, free civil legal services and education to and advocacy for people with low income or other barriers to accessing the legal system”. “Civil matters” includes, but is not limited to, those involving housing, public benefits, and domestic violence. They do not provide criminal defense services.
The Legal Project
The Legal Project is a non-profit legal services provider serving New York’s Capitol Region. Their goal is to provide a wide range of civil legal services to those who traditionally had difficulty accessing civil legal experience. Their services include assisting in: creating wills, obtaining affordable housing, pursuing homeowner protection, immigration matters, and many other services. They do not provide criminal defense services.
The Rural Law Center of New York, Inc.
The Rural Law Center is a non-profit legal services provider committed on focusing the attention of our legal system and government institutions on the needs of residents of rural New York who have a low income. This organization assists in matters related to family law, consumer debt, and housing. The organization also assists in accessing pro bono representation. They serve all of New York’s forty-four rural counties and have offices in Clinton, Essex, Hamilton, and Rennselaer Counties. They do not provide criminal defense services.