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Warren County Soil & Water hosts woodlot program


Dozens learn the ins and outs of woodlot ownership

Warren County Soil & Water Conservation hosts educational event

WARREN COUNTY, NYWarren County Soil and Water Conservation District, Champlain Watershed Improvement Coalition of New York and SUNY Adirondack organized a successful “Woodlot Ownership 101” workshop at SUNY Adirondack on June 3rd, with 31 attendees and presenters learning the basics about the dos and don’ts of owning a woodlot. 

The purpose of the workshop was to provide a forum for current or prospective woodlot owners on a variety of topics, since owning a woodlot is a wonderful opportunity that can also come with unforeseen ownership costs and responsibilities as goals are set.

The workshop was developed to introduce attendees to information to help them make informed decisions and learn where to go for forestry assistance, and presenters with a variety of expertise helped provide details on what to expect.

“The workshop went very well and we would like to offer a big THANK YOU to the presenters, who did a wonderful job with the various aspects of ownership/understanding what you are getting into, and not necessarily just management,” said Jim Lieberum, WCSWCD District Manager. “There was quite a bit of interaction between presenters and audience. Participants were terrific with questions, anecdotes and stories, which always help to keep the discussion interesting and fun. Thanks to SUNY Adirondack for hosting the workshop. I think that the college is a tremendous resource and hope that it continues to be so!”

Anyone who was questions or suggestions in regard to future presentations focusing on forestry can contact the WCSWCD office at 518.623.3119 or email Jim Lieberum at You can learn more about the services WCSWCD provides at