Warren County to host public meeting June 6 to discuss
organic waste management plan
Warren County will host a public meeting Tuesday, June 6th, 2023 to discuss the county’s next steps regarding a potential county-operated composting facility for food waste and yard waste.
A public survey on the issue was circulated earlier this year to gather information about how Warren County residents and businesses dispose of waste, their sentiments toward composting, and their interest in participating in a composting program. That survey occurred after a March public meeting on the issue of organics management in Warren County.
The information that was received during the outreach process is being used to compile an Organics Management Plan for Warren County, and staff from the Warren County Department of Public Works and GHD Consulting Services Inc. will present a summary of the proposed Organics Management Plan at the June 6th meeting.
The summary will include a preliminary timeline for a potential composting facility and information about how the survey information was used for the proposed plan. Following the presentation, GHD’s staff will host a question-and-answer session.
The public meeting, to be held at Warren County Municipal Center’s Board of Supervisors Committee Room, will start at 6 p.m. and be livestreamed on YouTube. Those interested in participating remotely will be able to log on through Zoom.
Following the public meeting, recommendations from the Organics Management Plan will be presented to the Warren County Board of Supervisors at the board’s public meeting on June 14th, 2023. That meeting will begin at 6 p.m. as well.
Those who are interested in participating in the June 6th meeting via Zoom can email lehmand@warrencountyny.gov for a link to log on. The meeting will also be livestreamed and video archived on the Warren County YouTube page, linked here.