Warren County is seeking public comment on the draft version of the county’s Comprehensive Plan, which has been made available for review online.
Those who are interested can log on to warrencountyny.gov/warren2040 to get a look at the draft plan.
The 208-page draft document includes seven goals and objectives, and is the result of nearly 18 months of work by numerous county agencies. The draft plan reviewed Warren County’s economy, infrastructure, environment, institutions and more.
The planning process has been led by Warren County Department of Planning & Community Development, assisted by LaBella Associates. Fourteen public meetings and workshops have been held, and dozens of stakeholder interviews conducted.
Said Ethan Gaddy, Warren County Planner: “The Warren County Department of Planning and Community Development staff is pleased to present our new Draft Comprehensive Plan to the public for review. A lot of work has been done to this point, and this is an important step for our residents and visitors to weigh in on what we may have missed or what may need changes. Please take a few minutes to review the Draft Comprehensive Plan on our website and let us know what you think.”
The Comprehensive Plan, dubbed Warren County 2040, is being developed to provide a long-range vision for Warren County.
Additional public meetings will be held in the coming months before the plan is considered for final adoption by the Warren County Board of Supervisors. Dates are to be determined.
Public comments are encouraged through the form at the bottom of the front page of warrencountyny.gov/warren2040, or by email to planning@warrencountyny.gov.