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Feb. 13 meeting to focus on plan for outdoor recreation economy


Warren County is in the process of developing an Outdoor Recreation Economy Strategic Plan, with the goal of the strategic plan is to provide a county-wide perspective on outdoor recreation priorities for county government and its many municipal, business, and nonprofit partners. The hope is to sustainably grow our outdoor recreation economy.

The plan will identify the current status of outdoor recreation opportunities, economic impact, and assets in Warren County, and provide guidance on how to make it better based on the input of many community partners.

A 60-page draft report that looks at the county's recreational assets, and makes some recommendations has been released. The draft will be a focus of a "lunch and learn" online meeting Thursday, February 13, starting at 12 p.m.

Check out the website here and click "Read the Report" to access the report or register to be part of the meeting.

Public comments can also be emailed to Warren County Principal Planner Sarah Brugger at