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Congratulations Jignasha Shah, employee of the quarter!

Jignasha Shah from Warren County Health Services is our Warren County Employee of the Quarter for the first quarter of 2025!
Jignasha works as a Public Health Program Manager, using her two bachelor's degrees and two master's degrees (including one in Public Health) for both our Public Health and Warren County WIC programs. She has filled in with a variety of programs over the years, and is always happy to help and learn.
"Jignasha is a dedicated, dependable, hard-working, and helpful employee, not to mention a joyful public servant, enthusiastically serving the community," Health Services Director Ginelle Jones noted. "She has maintained respect of her coworkers, administrative staff, and participants. She has wonderful ideas which she freely shares and demonstrates willingness to research and help implement."
"She demonstrates leadership and respect in everything she does. Her positive attitude is an example to all and she is a huge asset to the agency, county, and our community!" Jones added.
Jignasha has worked for the county since 2018. Congratulations for this well-deserved honor, Jignasha!
(Jignasha, second from left,is pictured at Friday's Board of Supervisors meeting with, from left, Ginelle Jones, Board of Supervisors Chairman Kevin Geraghty and Health Services Deputy Director Patricia Belden.)