- You must be a U.S. citizen;
- be 18 years old (You may pre-register at 16 or 17 but cannot vote until you are 18)
- not be in prison for a felony conviction;
- live at your present address at least 30 days before an election;
- not claim the right to vote elsewhere.
Online Voter Registration Portal
Online Voter registration Portal
You can use the NYS Board of Elections’ Online Voter Registration system to register to vote or to update your voter registration information.
Updated information could include providing Warren County Board of Elections with your new name, new address, or changing your party enrollment. Completed applications are sent to Warren County Board of Elections for approval and processing.
To register you will need to use a NY.Gov ID. If you have previously used NY.Gov with another agency, you may use the same login to access the Online Voter Registration portal. If you have not used NY.Gov you will need to create an account.
Use this form: Registration Form (When printing Registration Form it is legal size or be sure to fit to page. Signature line is at the very bottom.)
- To Register to vote for the first time or to make any changes to your voter record including your party affiliation.
Party changes:
- To vote in a primary election if your party is having a primary you must be enrolled in that party by February 14th in the year in with it occurs. If you want to change your party enrollment your party enrollment your properly completed signed voter registration from must be IN HAND at the Board of Elections by February 14th.
- Any change of enrollment received after February 14th will not take effect until one week after the Primary Election.
- Please note: A change of enrollment completed on MyDMV on February 14th will not be considered timely for this year's primary elections.
Address Changes:
To change your address complete and mail a voter Registration form to your County Board of Elections.
Name Changes:
To change your name complete and mail a voter registration form to your County Board of Elections. Be sure your signature reflects such name changes.
You can complete an Accessible version of the New York State Voter Registration Form on-line by clicking on the link HERE, typing in the necessary information and selecting the appropriate boxes. Once the form is completed, you need to print the form and sign and date it. Then, mail the form to:
Warren County Board of Elections
1340 State Route 9
3rd Floor Human Services Building
Lake George, NY 12845
Overseas and Military Absentee voters the link below is for US citizens living overseas, active military members, and the spouses of active military members who wish to vote by absentee ballot. This application is valid for 4 years or 2 Federal Elections. If you move during that period submit another application indicating your new address so we can be sure that you receive your ballot. You may email the application to boe@warrencountyny.gov or fax 518-761-6480 but we must also receive the original form in the mail.
On this application you may state a preference as to how you would like to receive your ballot. You may choose mail, fax, or email as preferred method of transmission.
If you have stated a preference to receive your voting materials by email/online you will receive an email notification directing you to the state's online ballot delivery site https://nysballot.elections.ny.gov to access your ballot.
It is also Warren County's policy to mail a hard copy of your ballot to the address provided on your application.
This is to ensure the delivery of your ballot in a timely fashion.
Applications are available from Voting Assistance officer on base, or you can visit the fvap.gov link Federal Voting Assistance Program