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Warren County creates new website for public review of county budget


Warren County is making it easier for taxpayers to track where their county tax dollars are going.

Warren County has partnered with ClearGov of Massachusetts to create a new online “digital budget book” that produces a more user-friendly platform to track government spending.

This new web-based budget book allows users to see precisely how funds are generated and allocated, and better understand how the county’s annual budget impacts the community programs and services they care about most. The 2024 county budget has been uploaded to the website.

In addition to the data being presented in easy-to-understand graphics, the Warren County digital budget book shows budget trends and provides on-page sections for commentary where county leaders can provide context and explanations for budget data.

The site is also mobile-friendly and ADA-optimized for visitors with disabilities who rely on assistive technology, such as screen readers and voice recognition software.

The new budget book will supplement the paper copies of the county budget that are produced each fall, and residents who favor the print version will still be able to get it.

Said Kevin Geraghty, Chairman of the Warren County Board of Supervisors: “We want to make sure our taxpayers understand how their county government uses their money, and users of our new interactive budget book can easily drill down into our budget by department and line item. Municipal budgets can be difficult to comprehend, with complicated codes and page upon page of numbers and figures, and this digital budget book will make it easier for the public to track county spending.”

“ClearGov is pleased to partner with Warren County to create a modern, website-based budget book that’s easy to understand,” said Chris Bullock, CEO of ClearGov. “Citizens should be proud of the leadership Warren County has demonstrated by embracing innovation and taking this essential next step toward true clarity and accountability in local government.”

The Warren County digital budget book for 2024 can be found online here.

As Warren County begins the 2025 Budget processing season, input on how this document can be improved is welcome. Comments can be sent to Tammie DeLorenzo, Assistant to the County Administrator at

Warren County anticipates publishing the 2025 budget book toward the end of 2024, after the 2025 budget is adopted by the Warren County Board of Supervisors.
