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DPW staff receive lifesaving training

A request for emergency tourniquets in Warren County Department of Public Works vehicles has resulted in an effort that led to many DPW staff receiving life-saving training to better prepare themselves for possible emergencies.
Warren County DPW staff recently completed “Stop the Bleed” training through Albany Medical Center, with about 60 employees attending sessions to learn what to do if they encounter someone with a serious injury.
Warren County DPW Superintendent Kevin Hajos said the idea originated with DPW Safety Officer Nancy Ross, who asked about equipping vehicles with tourniquets.
It then morphed into the formal training in conjunction with Needham Risk Management that has taught hundreds of thousands of people what to do if they need to help someone who is bleeding heavily, as described at
“Our people are doing a lot of types of work where there could be some serious issues,” Hajos explained. “It’s training we never want to use, but we are glad that we have.”