Warren County Department of Social Services and Warren County Department of Workforce Development are joining forces with several local community organizations to help educate the public about human trafficking in our region through a panel discussion involving experts to be held January 18th in Glens Falls. January is National Human Trafficking Prevention Month.
The organizing coalition, a public-private partnership, is working to inform local residents about the fact that human trafficking is a local problem, and that it impacts all ages and genders. In our region, human trafficking victims are put into forced labor situations while also sometimes coerced or forced into sexual situations.
“Learning about and knowing the signs of human trafficking can help at-risk individuals and their loved ones before they can become victims,” explained Tammy Breen, Supervisor of Children’s Services for Warren County Department of Social Services. “Human trafficking occurs in many types of situations. For instance, any situation where a person under the age of 18 has exchanged a sexual act or performance for something of value is considered a form of trafficking.”
The panel discussion will feature experts from the FBI, New York State Office of Child & Families Services, NYS Children’s Alliance and WAIT House. It will be held at The Park Theater, 14 Park Street, Glens Falls, on January 18th starting, at 10 a.m.
The experts will focus on human trafficking facts, data, myths and warning signs, and action items will be shared for local businesses, concerned citizens, and human service agencies to help address this hidden issue and protect vulnerable populations.
The discussion will be moderated by Liza Ochsendorf, Director of Warren County Department of Workforce Development. Additional information can be found at endhumantraffickinggfny.org/.
Attendance is free but registration is required at adirondackchamber.chambermaster.com/eventregistration/register/4458.
Members of the coalition include Tri-County United Way; Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Southern Adirondacks; The Open Door Mission; WAIT House and Warren County and Pine Knolls Alliance Church. Glens Falls National Bank and Adirondack Regional Chamber of Commerce are assisting with sponsorship of the event.