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Application period opens for 2025 Summer Youth Employment Program


Warren County Department of Employment and Training has begun accepting applications for its Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP), which provides jobs for youths between the ages of 14 and 20 and helps local businesses get through the busy summer season.

The program, which is funded by federal grants, provides work experience and training to qualified youth to help them develop skills they need to succeed in the workforce. There are family income guidelines to be met by applicants in order for them to qualify for the program.

The youth who are hired are assigned to work at a variety of worksites -- including at non-profit organizations, private businesses and government worksites -- around Warren County for about 8 weeks starting in late June. Youth who are enrolled in the Summer Youth Employment Program for 2025 will earn $15.50 per hour.

Worksites for 2025 are being finalized, but in recent years participants have been placed with town highway departments, parks and recreation departments, school districts, campgrounds, farms, and a variety of private businesses.  In addition to employment experience, participants are provided with employment counseling and educational materials to assist them with future efforts to obtain jobs. 

Businesses that would like to host a worker or workers for the summer are being recruited, and businesses that are interested can fill out an interest form here, according to Liza Ochsendorf, Warren County Director of Workforce Development.

Warrensburg Supervisor Kevin Geraghty, Chairman of the Warren County Board of Supervisors and Warrensburg Town Supervisor, said: “The Town of Warrensburg has had great experiences with Summer Youth Employment Program workers over the years, helping us keep our summer recreation programs going. This program provides valuable work experience for our youth while also helping local businesses and organizations find staff for a successful summer.”

Pre-applications for prospective workers are due by April 30, 2025 and online forms for pre-application can be found here. Those who have questions, or are interested in applying, can email or call 518-743-0925.

The grant funding for Summer Youth Employment Program is administered by the NYS Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance and overseen by Warren County Department of Workforce Development. Learn more about what the agency does at